
Your donation gives us the chance to share the love of Jesus across Kilkenny.


Your Generosity Matters

We appreciate every donation and gift that comes into our church family.

Your contributions allows work to be done in this church, as well as in our community and the greater area of Kilkenny.

Kilkenny Community Church

Business Current Account

Account Number: 875 548 38

Bank Sort Code: 990 636


IBAN: IE28 IPBS 9906 3687 5548 38

Give in Church

Get in Touch

we gather every sunday at 11am

Worship Gatherings

Sundays @ 11am
17 Irishtown, Kilkenny
r95 wk11 


Contact Details

056 770 3960
087 060 5855

Charity Details

registration number: chy 9811